Guidelines for observers of incoming countries at the IChO

General Information
The official regulations cover nearly everything concerning the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO). The current regulations are available from the website of the Steering Committee, and they should be read in advance.
The International Jury (in short Jury) consists of the mentors of all participating delegations. Besides its many other roles, the Jury is in charge of the actual competition. (See Regulations §§ 6,7)
A meeting of the Jury is called a Jury session (or sometimes “Jury meeting”).
The Steering Committee is a group of about 12 experienced persons who have been head mentors for a long time or were appointed chairs of the previous, current, or future Olympiads. The Steering Committee coordinates the ongoing and strategic work involved in the organisation of the IChO. (See Regulations § 8)
During the Olympiads, the Steering Committee will invite you to report on the situation in your country relating to your own National Chemistry Olympiad.
The Scientific Board (or “Scientific Committee”) is the group of professors and scientists who authored the exam problems for the current IChO. This board is set up by the host and is also responsible for the marking of the student’s examinations. The members are called “authors”. (See Regulations §§ 10 to 14)
3. Countries not automatically invited to the IChO must apply to the organizer by the end of November preceding the Olympiad. The organizer invites these countries to the Olympiad based on the recommendation of the Steering Committee. Newly invited countries must send an observer to two consecutive Olympiads before its pupils can participate in the IChO. The observer participates in Jury meetings and all Olympiad procedures as a non-voting member in order to learn about the content and procedure of the competition.
It is the responsibility of each delegation, including observers, to make their own travel arrangements, including a visa and health insurance to travel to the official arrival location of the host country.
This guideline was prepared by Wolfgang Hampe and adapted at the SC Meeting in Tokyo in December of 2009, and it was revised by Bryan Balazs in December of 2010.
Guidelines for observers of incoming countries (2010 Revision)
Arrival and Registration
At the registration, you will receive a badge and a bag with informational material including the timetable of the IChO where all events are scheduled, and likely also other “welcome” materials.