Let us Find Solutions Together
Dear Readers
At the IChO 2023, more than 350 chemistry talents from all over the world will meet in Switzerland. Besides the exams, they will have the opportunity to make friends across borders. In this issue, we show how long-lasting these friendships can be. Also in this issue: ETH Zurich as a place of study that brings together tradition, innovation and outstanding scientific achievements
IChO 2023 - First Time in Switzerland

"We are excited to host the 55th International Chemistry Olympiad 2023 in Zurich at ETH. After more than 30 years of attending the International Chemistry Olympiads, Switzerland will host this exciting event this year for the first time." Prof. Günther Dissertori, President of IChO 2023 and Rector of ETH Zurich.
The Challenge of Writing Exams

The International Chemistry Olympiad aims at promoting science education globally. The host – this year Switzerland – is asked to limit the scope of the many and varied fields of chemistry that the participants have to prepare for. The “Preparatory Problems” or “Preps” give an idea of the IChO 2023 exams and help guide the national trainings of the delegations.
Discovering the World of the Olympiads

Find out how Luca Ferrari, a member of the IChO’s Organizing Committee, had his first experience at this international event. Learn how he experienced his arrival in a project with international ambitions and values of cohesion and sustainability.
Where the Future Begins
Situated in the heart of Europe, yet connected all over the world, ETH Zurich is developing skillful solutions to the global challenges of today and tomorrow: In addition to the latest knowledge, students learn to think critically and act responsibly, work in international teams and express themselves in several languages. ETH Zurich fosters a culture of personal responsibility for learning, which supports students’ individual strengths.
When Chemists go Industry

Chemists are solution hunters. Often the solution starts as an idea, continues to an experiment and in exceptional cases leaves the lab. But what happens next and how does a scientist become an entrepreneur? Meet three young entrepreneurs from D-CHAB who are also participants of the IChO Finding Solutions Fair during the IChO 2023.
IChO - The Connecting Power of Chemistry

Stefan Schmid and Magdalena Lederbauer met at a Chemistry Olympiad five years ago. Both won several “Olympic” medals during their school years. Now the two Austrians are studying chemistry at the D-CHAB of ETH Zurich and are task authors at the IChO 2023. Read more about their fascination for chemistry in the interview.
Thinking Scientifically - with Ice Cubes and Kiwis

The Swiss Chemistry Olympiad presents: Five experiments with which pupils can learn scientific methods. They are suitable for school as well as for home, because most of the necessary material comes from the kitchen.
The Fascination of Swiss Mountains and Heidi

Switzerland is known for its breathtaking mountains, which offer some of the best hiking and skiing opportunities in the world. These two sports are therefore very popular and 65,000 km of hiking trails and over 7,000 km of ski slopes invite to indulge in these activities. Mentors and students will have the opportunity to visit a mountain top.
This & That
A look behind the scenes of the IChO: Written by many IChO mentors and alumni, this book gives a detailed insight into the preparation and trainings that students undergo in various countries to prepare for the IChO, including a subchapter on Switzerland. It may also be useful to students, parents, Chemistry Olympiads and chemistry and science instructors at different levels.
Main Partners: SBFI | Metrohm | Stiftung | Lonza | Givaudan Organisers: ETH Zurich | D-CHAB | Chemistry | Olympiad Science | Olympiad SCS International Partner: Huawei And many thanks to all our other Partners
©IChO 2023