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Marie Perrin and Marie-Désirée Scheidt

The young Swiss Chemical Society: Make room for the next generation of chemists!

Did you know that the youngSCS was originally founded in 2001 by a group of students at the university of Basel?

Did you know that we have representatives at most institutions throughout Switzerland?

Did you know that we organize every year the very special Swiss Snow Symposium, which does not only promote contribution from young chemists, but also provides strong networking opportunities while enjoying winter sports!

The Young Swiss Chemical Society (youngSCS) is a network of young scientists all over Switzerland, which includes any member of the Swiss Chemical Society (SCS) aged under 35. The main goals of the association are to promote chemistry at all levels and to provide platforms for young researchers in the early stages of their career. These platforms allow for them to meet and exchange in an informal setting and should encourage collaborations between institutions. Furthermore, strong bonds are held to the European and International Young Chemist’s Networks to enable collaborations with other societies.

Diverse events throughout the year ensure for broad exchange between institutions and provide platforms for young researchers to learn from each other. We organize industry visits, like illustrated by the recent visits at Bruker, Givaudan and Bachem, but also many workshops about career planning, grant application, scientific writing, articles about chemistry in children magazines and so on! We also visit each other and organize campus visits among the universities represented at the youngSCS.

As you may know, your engagement in the chemistry community does not end with your time at the olympiads. If you decide to study chemistry, look out for local or national associations of students. It is a fantastic way to stay connected, exchange with like minded, dynamic people and get to know more of what chemistry has to offer. It is an incredibly enjoyable experience!


  • Website:

  • Social media:

  • S. M. Linker, C. Papadimou, M. Lederbauer, C. Schellhaas, D. Miladinov, and E. Vandaele, “The Young Swiss Chemical Society Empowering Young Chemists in Switzerland for 20 Years: Perspectives in Chemistry and Society on the Occasion of the 75th Anniversary of CHIMIA”, Chimia 2021, 75, 4, 345.

  • M.-D. Scheidt, T. Forrest, and M. Perrin, “youngSCS - The Young Swiss Chemical Society ”, Chimia 2022, 76,12, 1077.

  • M. Perrin, L. Farrera Soler, and M.-D. Scheidt, “Swiss Snow Symposium: Conference Report”, Chimia 2023, 77, 4, 266.

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