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What do our participants think after they have explored Switzerland?

Amasaya from Thailand "Today I learned that the company Lonza is a biochemistry-oriented pharmacy company. I learned a lot about biochemistry and small particles. In my break-out session we learned the theory of a very interesting topic: small molecules. I really enjoyed our visit here since it was my first time visiting such a big pharmacy company. I would like to study chemistry and I like organic chemistry, so I might work in this field in the future."

Juan from Uruguay "It is only the first day after the exams and it was really hard to sit the majority of the day and listen to people. I think we all were expecting to move more today but on the other hand, I still learned something new like details about chromatography. I am excited see more of Switzerland for the first time after 6 days."

Jakub from Czech Republic "The views from the train window were amazing and I really liked the group activity that I did. However, I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t have the opportunity to see the actual facilities by ourselves."

Alice from United States of America "It was really cool to come here. I really enjoyed the long train ride with mountains on both sides. I thought the view was so beautiful. When I got to Lonza, I thought that it was very interesting because the activity that my group did was about chromatography and I never thought about it in that way before. Scientist were using it for separation of different biological and pharmaceutical products. We did an activity where we had to interact with different teams from other countries, we did well and it was really fun."

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